Pool Rules:

The Board of Directors and management team need your help and cooperation. To ensure a safe and fun summer, please review these rules and regulations with your children.  Many of these rules are county health department regulations for Illinois swimming pools.

General Rules:

  1. All Club members must have a current photo on file in their portal which will serve as their membership card to be admitted to the pool and tennis courts. Members who allow non-members to use their membership portal to gain entrance will:  A). have their membership suspended for one week; and B). be fined $100.  Disciplinary action will be reviewed by the Board of Directors for frequent offenders.
  2. A guest must be signed in by an active member 18 years of age or older (proof of age required). Guests under two years of age are admitted free. ALL GUESTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR GUEST FEES.
  3. Eating and drinking are allowed only on the snack deck or outside the fence grassy areas. Alcoholic beverages are allowed in plastic or aluminum containers on the snack deck or outside the fence grassy areas.  No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the pool decks.  No glass containers.
  4. No pets are permitted on the premises.
  5. No skateboarding or rollerblading.
  6. No parking is allowed in the circle driveway during regular pool hours. Cars should be parked in the parking lot. Please be considerate — drop-off and pick-up in a timely manner.
  7. Members who ride motorbikes, motorcycles, or other motorized vehicles are not allowed to travel cross country on the Club’s property.
  8. Violation of rules may result in the suspension of Club Privileges for a period of time (usually not less than two weeks). THIS IS A FAMILY FACILITY. ANY BEHAVIOR DEEMED INAPPROPRIATE BY MANAGEMENT OR BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION OF CLUB RULES.
  9. Any damage to the Club’s property by a member, or their guest, shall be charged to such member.
  10. The Club assumes no responsibility for loss of property of members or any guest who may be brought into or left in the Club buildings or on the grounds.
  11. PA paging is limited to adults paging children, or children paging adults.
  12. Smoking is not allowed on Club property. We appreciate your cooperation.
  13. Glass containers of any kind are not allowed on Club property. This is for the safety of everyone.
  14. LOST & FOUND items will be displayed at the front counter table for 1 week before being donated to a local charity.

Swimming Pool Rules:

  1. Admission to the pool shall be refused to all persons having any contagious disease, infectious conditions such as colds, fever, ringworm, foot infections, skin lesions, diarrhea, vomiting, inflamed eyes, ear discharges, or any other condition which has the appearance of being infectious. Persons with excessive sunburn, abrasions that have not healed, corn plasters, bunion pads, adhesive tape, rubber bandages, or other bandages of any kind shall also be refused admittance.  A person under the influence of alcohol or exhibiting erratic behavior shall not be permitted in the pool area.
  2. INCLEMENT WEATHER DAYS: On occasion, the pool will be closed if the temperature at the pool is below 68 degrees. Severe rain, lighting, and other threatening conditions will also close the pool. Pool managers will be responsible for the monitoring of closures.  In case the pool does not open at 11:00 a.m. due to bad weather, we will try to open at 1:00 p.m. If we cannot open at noon we will try again at 3:30 p.m. Our LAST attempt to open for the day will be at 5:30 p.m.  Swimming is prohibited when thunder is heard or lightning is seen, including a 30-minute period after the last lightning or thunder is detected.  These opening times may vary if the pool manager anticipates that the forecast will improve and can activate pool staff coverage.  Please call to verify the opening schedule on questionable days.
  3. The pool water is not suitable for drinking. Avoid swallowing pool water.
  4. Littering is prohibited. In addition, no food, drink, or gum is allowed other than specially designated and controlled sections of the pool area.  Glass containers are prohibited in the pool area and locker rooms.
  5. All persons are encouraged to take a shower before entering the pool area.
  6. Spitting, spouting of water, blowing the nose, or otherwise introducing contaminants into the pool is not permitted.
  7. Glass, soap, or other material which might create hazardous conditions or interfere with the efficient operation of the swimming pool shall not be permitted in the swimming pool or on the pool deck.
  8. All apparel worn in the pool shall be clean.
  9. All children who are not toilet-trained shall wear swim diapers under their swimsuit.
  10. CHILDREN UNDER 12 must be accompanied by an older responsible person to be permitted in the pools.
  11. Children under 13 must be accompanied by a person 18 or older after 6:00 p.m.
  12. Swim lessons, swim team, and dive lessons will meet every day unless there is lightning. Parents, use your own discretion about swim lessons on inclement weather days. If the temperature falls below 68 degrees, pool management will decide whether the pool will open or remain open.
  13. When the Club is at full capacity and all chairs or lounges are occupied, adults (18 and older) have priority use. An announcement will be made.
  14. Baby strollers or wheelchairs are allowed and need to have the wheels locked when in place.
  15. Sunbathing or hair combing on the snack deck is strictly prohibited.
  16. Personal conduct within the pool facility must be such that the safety of self and others is not jeopardized. No running, boisterous or rough play, except supervised water sports, is permitted.
  18. Only clean footwear, no street shoes are allowed.

2024 Guest Pass Policy

Guest pass packs purchased on-line can be utilized Mondays – Thursdays.
Guest passes can be purchased through a member account online ($50 for five passes), single guest passes can be purchased at the front desk. These will be “housed” within your account, and the Front Desk will deduct when guests are present. These will be available to purchase once guests are permitted.
No guest passes will be allowed on holidays, including Monday, May 27th, Thursday, July 4th, and Friday, July 5th.
From Friday, June 21st through Sunday, August 11th (eight weekends), DGSRC members can purchase Friday – Sunday single guest passes at the Front Desk ($15 for one pass). A maximum of four guest passes per day per membership account can be purchased. 
Weekend guest passes CANNOT be deducted from the account. These need to be purchased at the Front Desk only. DGSRC reserves the right to refrain from selling passes based on daily capacity numbers.

No guests are permitted after Thursday, August 15th, after many of our employees are back in school.
Guest passes do NOT roll over to the 2025 Club year.

Child Play Area (Baby Pool):

  1. All children who are not toilet-trained shall wear swim diapers under their swimsuit.
  2. Only children shorter than the baby pool fence are allowed to use this pool.
  3. Some small toys will not be allowed. No rough play is allowed.
  4. It is recommended to have a child’s guardian present while playing in this pool.

Upper General Pool:

  1. Every hour on the hour between the hours of noon and 8:00 p.m., the lifeguards will signal the start of an adult swim period. All children under 18 must get out of the water.
  2. Masks and goggles with plastic or safety glass lens are allowed.
  3. Small toys and soft spongy nerf-type balls can be used with the pool manager’s discretion.
  4. Diving from the side of the pool is NEVER ALLOWED. Caution shall be exercised in the use of diving facilities.

Diving Board Rules for your safety:

  1. Only one person at a time is allowed on the diving board.
  2. The next person must wait until the prior person has reached the ladder before using the diving board.
  3. The diver must be able to swim unassisted to the side of the pool with no flotation devices of any kind.
  4. Use the ladder to exit the pool.
  5. Only one bounce on the diving board.

Water Slide Rules for your safety:

  1. Patrons must be able to swim unassisted.
  2. One person is allowed on the slide at a time.
  3. Patrons must enter and exit slide feet first only with their back to the slide.  Standing, stopping, or sliding down headfirst is strictly prohibited.
  4. The next person must wait until the prior person has reached the ladder before using the slide.

Lower Pool Rules:

  1. The lower pool is intended for serious swimmers wishing to swim laps or practice swimming techniques. To prevent collisions, lap swimmers should stay to the right of the lane and swim in a circular direction whenever more than two swimmers occupy a lane.
  2. Only swimmers without a floatation device are allowed in the lower pool.
  3. No balls, toys, or noodles are allowed in the lower pool.
  4. Starting blocks are for use only during swim team practice.
  5. Three lanes in the lower pool are reserved daily for adult lap swimming, lanes 4-6.
  6. Please check the bulletin board or our website for swim meet dates and times. The lower pool will be closed at those times for general swimming.

Diving Well Rules:

  1. The diving well is closed to swimmers when divers are using this area. A lifeguard will control its use.
  2. Only one person at a time is allowed on the diving board.
  3. The next person must wait until the prior person has reached the side before using the diving board.
  4. Only one bounce on the diving board.
  5. No sitting or hanging on the boards.


2024 DGSRC Bylaws (approved 1.8.2024) – Click Here


DGSRC Waiver